Import Data

Importing Data

We've developed a number of automated systems that allow us to automatically import data from other platforms.


Please follow the steps below to export your data. Once you've done this, email these to our support team and we'll import these within 24 hours.

Export MYBOS Residents

  • Open the residents list and adjust the amount of entries in the table to the maximum.
  • Click the checkbox in the table header to select all.
  • Click the Excel icon to download an export.

Export MYBOS Cases

  • Open the cases list and adjust the filters to include all cases, ensuring you also adjust the amount of entries in the table to the maximum.
  • Click the checkbox in the table header to select all.
  • Click the Excel icon to download an export.




Please contact our support team to import data from BuildingLink.


We can generate custom tools to facilitate import from other systems.